Weve all been there, right? Youre having a nice lunch with your friends or co-workers, everyones talking and laughing…then the check comes. Suddenly, its like the showdown at the O.K. Corral. You all wait to see who will be the first to draw. Its time to split the check, and you all know that whoever takes care of it will probably end up paying way more than their share.
Fear no more. Theres a new sheriff in town, and its name is Separate Checks. With Separate Checks on your iPhone or iPod touch, you can pick up that check without worrying about overpaying. It will still split things right down the middle if thats what you want, but when you choose one of the other check splitter features, this app will more than pay for itself the very first time out of the holster.
Enter the menu items and tell Separate Checks how to divide them. Separate Checks will tell you what everyone owes, right down to the penny; including each persons share of the tax and tip. It will even split the cost of shared items, like appetizers.
The "QuickSplit" feature is a quick way to divvy things up, if youre in a hurry. Move the slider bars to show the approximate price of each meal, and separate checks keeps a running tally of the remaining amount. This feature has been getting a lot of positive response!
Once youve seen this app in action, youll never be afraid to be the first to draw, again. Youll walk into any restaurant or saloon with knowing youre not going to overpay, because Separate Checks has got your back!
YouTube video demonstrating how to use Separate Checks 3:
Be sure to email us at support@tightapps.com for any feature requests or bug reports as opposed to posting a comment to ensure they dont get overlooked.
Tons of new features! Many based on user feedback:
• iPhone 5 / iPod Touch 4" Display Support
• Tax as percentage
• More digits for currency
• Track the amount paid per tab
• Localized Currency!
• Discounts
• Add items more quickly (QuickAdd)
• Ability to add notes to a check
• Ability to mark an item as free
• Ability to add tip on free items
• More accurate sliders for QuickSplit
• Show more detailed quick-split information as costs change
• Ability to quickly split an item between all tabs at once
• Ability to round totals
• Ability to change tip on a per tab basis